We went and golfed at the Royal Chiang Mai golf course where the Asian PGA is played. For about $110 total (including greens fees, caddy, cart) we had a fantastic time. Our caddies were all short excitable Thai women. I don't think they golfed a day in their lives but they knew how the greens played and the course layout. The course was completely unprepared for us as they ran out of Singha beer. We destroyed their entire supply which was about 18-20 cans. It was hot and humid but really fun. Nate and Billy also had some side wagers on the course with all proceeds going to their caddies and let's just say Nate is undefeated.
I think I ended up like I normally play - about 95-100. I was back to the Tran power fade off the tee though...
here's a pic. My caddy, once paid, was not so helpful or into getting pictures taken.

The picture below is Nate teeing off with an iron. Note the caddy behind him pointing to Nate is actually Billy's caddy. She is calling Nate out as "no man" because Nate decided to lay up instead of using a driver. This gave Billy, Shelly, I and probably Nate much laughter - and caused the side wagers to happen.
Editor's note: Nate still won the hole even laying up.