Has it been less than 1 month?
Not even one month of unemployment and so many things going on. Here's a quick summary:
1) ran a race in British Columbia. Did respectable 8:15 min/mile pace. Here's a end photo. It was miserably cold and rainy the entire way.
2) I have assumed the role of live out manny (male nanny) and have provided services for all of my friends's kids except little Jack Filipini. Here's a photo of Brandon when I had him (in his Spiderman outfit which he wore out to the mall), and little Nate Campbell.
3) Been to a few dinners (and had a birthday). See the growing "unemployed facial growth".
4) Ripped out all my upstairs doors and replaced them and their trim. Also began the downstairs bathroom remodel. See before and in stage of gutting photos. Gutters are also being replaced as we speak - they also found rot behind them. Yay! more money down the drain.
5) oh, and after a weekend at my cabin with friends, I came home to find my home was burglarized. so here are a couple of snapshots of that. they took two computers, all my dvds and cds, and my change jar - damn them all... but luckily no big items (cuz they would have had to carry them out). And no - my rooms are not usually that messy. The bastards tossed all the rooms.
Well I hope to finish my door project soon - before I head to Hawaii after Thanksgiving to see my Dawgs play Hawaii in Honolulu. Then I'm back in town for three days before Mexico for 10 . Soooo, call me or email me if you're free for lunch or dinner. I'm surprisingly busy for someone who's unemployed... Hope all is well out there.