Has it been less than 1 month?
Not even one month of unemployment and so many things going on. Here's a quick summary:
1) ran a race in British Columbia. Did respectable 8:15 min/mile pace. Here's a end photo. It was miserably cold and rainy the entire way.

2) I have assumed the role of live out manny (male nanny) and have provided services for all of my friends's kids except little Jack Filipini. Here's a photo of Brandon when I had him (in his Spiderman outfit which he wore out to the mall), and little Nate Campbell.

3) Been to a few dinners (and had a birthday). See the growing "unemployed facial growth".

5) oh, and after a weekend at my cabin with friends, I came home to find my home was burglarized. so here are a couple of snapshots of that. they took two computers, all my dvds and cds, and my change jar - damn them all... but luckily no big items (cuz they would have had to carry them out). And no - my rooms are not usually that messy. The bastards tossed all the rooms.

Well I hope to finish my door project soon - before I head to Hawaii after Thanksgiving to see my Dawgs play Hawaii in Honolulu. Then I'm back in town for three days before Mexico for 10 . Soooo, call me or email me if you're free for lunch or dinner. I'm surprisingly busy for someone who's unemployed... Hope all is well out there.